The Quickflask is a multi-purpose insulated thermoflask designed to cater for everyday use from the office to the gym.
Completed | 2018
Client | Rebel Sports - Super Retail Group
Product Typology | Insulated Flask
Work Produced | Design Pitch Phyiscal Prototype & Image

Carrying a reusable water bottle
is an easy solution to reducing
plastic waste. With making water
bottles part of everyday carry,
factors such as size, portability and
ease of use for different contexts
had to be considered. Moreover,
thermoflasks designed for hot
beverages oftern have screw caps,
making it inconvenient to sip when
on the go.

Sustainability ︎
With the user-centered design focused on providing a multipurpose drinking vessel, the hope is to promote reusability as well as convenience and to eliminate single-use products.
For Everyday Use : The curved grip area also becomes the main contact point for the user and prevents any contamination from the main mouthpiece.